Thursday, November 14, 2013

Russian Alphabet explanation :D

Hello again! I thought I would give you all a little insight into the Russian alphabet and it's correspondence to the English alphabet.
 А, Б, В, Г, Д, Е, Ё, Ж, З, И, Й, К, Л, М, Н, О, П, Р, С, Т, У, Ф, Х, Ц, Ч, Ш, Щ, Ъ, Ы, Ь, Э, Ю, Я.

There's the alphabet for you!

 А is like our A except it's a round tone… as in father.

 Б is like B pretty much the same
 В is basically our V.
 Г is G
 Д is D
 Е is Ye as in Yes.
 Ё is Yoh. It's hard because it's a sound we don't really have in English
 Ж is Zhe. It gives the Zh sound.
 З. What comes at the end of our alphabet? Z! well, this is the Russian version…
 И is an I but pronounced as ee
 Й this is an (attempt to write in English) Ikratkiya. It doesn't have a sound of it's own but it finalizes other sounds.
 К what else? a K!
 Л a L
 М a M
 Н. Yes, H is an N
 О… O!
 П It's a P
 Р is an R. It's very confusing, an H is an N and a P is an R and a B is a V…
 С- S for Snake…
 Т is T
 У This is an Oo. Like in Glue and Moo.
 Ф an F
 Х an H but it makes the hard, german like H sound
 Ц It's an interesting one… it's a ts. Very hard sound
 Ч a CH
 Ш is a SH
 Щ and another confusing one.. this is a SH but it's a hard short SH. Above is the long sh like in shh, be quiet. This is a hard SH like in Shot.
 Ъ This is the hard sign. It indicates a slight pause in between syllables. It's hardly ever used though…
 Ы A very difficult one.. but it's an EUI sound. I can't even write it it's so hard… it's like mixing eew and eek.
 Ь This is the soft sign… another hard to explain one…
 Э And finally E. It's E as in Egg.
 Ю You! That's what it sounds like! you!
 Я and Ya. It's also a word, meaning I.

:D There you go! An introduction to Russian.. now that either scared you away from Russian or made you want to learn more.. which was it?


  1. Hahaha... I'm scared away now.

  2. Holy macaroni....I couldn't read all of it! My minds in a muddle!
