Thursday, November 28, 2013


Wednesday morning we woke up to.... SNOW!!!!!!

It just dusted, but it still looked nice. :D

We went to catch the train to head to the village where my great grandmother lived. (Lebyazhye)

For quite a bit of the 1.5 hour ride, Lucy was glued to the window. Being on a train fascinated her!

The station is basically in the woods. We had to walk through the forest to get to the village.

There are bomb holes from World War Two still there... Lucy was VERY excited to see the bomb holes. I don't know why...

Miss Lucy in the forest.

The Dacha, summer home, where my great grandmother lived. 2 rooms. Literally.

The Church across the way where Mom and Papa got married. :D

The well. None of the dachas have indoor plumbing, people have to go and get their own water. 

The village is right by the ocean.. it was lovely!

The forest again...

The train...

Well, we are now in our last days here. We leave for Switzerland on Saturday. I know some of you didn't get to see my dance video, I'll hopefully get a different one tomorrow evening and post it asap. 
That's all for now, I'm off to finish my packing!

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