Thursday, July 17, 2014

Too long...

It has been too long since I have written last. But I have realized that now that we aren't travelling anymore, I won't be blogging that much anymore. I'll still keep up with the updates though!!! 

We are all very busy. Papa's working out of the home as well as working to build/renovate around the house. Mom's doing bookkeeping for a friend of ours who has started his own business, and also doing office work for my dance school. I'm working at Blenz and trying to fit in some dance, Sofi's working at IGA and Lucy's enjoying summer life!

I have been more active with my camera in the last few weeks, there have been too many times when I've NOT taken it along, and then kicked myself for it later... Here are a few pictures!

 There's a park behind our house. A little playground, a nice field and a big mountain. It's quite nice!

Nasturtiums in full bloom :)

 Mom's birthday (July 11) breakfast, made by Papa. 
 The birthday cake! A classic NY cheesecake with lemon and a raspberry sauce and raspberry/mint garnish. Made by Sofi and I 

The gazebo that Papa has been building over the past few weeks. It's almost finished! Just a few touches!