Wednesday, July 31, 2013

It's Done

Well, it's done. We have moved out of our house. We are staying with our friends and they are so wonderful to let all 5 of us stay. :) I still get the feeling that we have to go back to our house and finish packing, cleaning and getting ready. We are going back, but to say goodbye not to pack. Wow. We are really done. It's scary and unbelievable but also exciting and thrilling. I'm in the stage right now where I don't exactly know what to think. All I can think is: "I've got to finish my library books before we leave" :D I can't post pictures now because I'm on the iPad but I'll take pictures when we go today and post some later. So now the journey really has begun. We fly out in 21 days. There's so much to do before then. But this week we are going to try and relax. We need it. Apparantly moving house is one of the most stressful things one can do in life. I believe it. It was hard. But now we can enjoy a few more days on the West Coast. :D Now, I should get some more reading done...

Monday, July 29, 2013

Family Picture

Our last family picture at this house :) There's all of us!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Almost there...

Well. We're almost finished packing. It's so slow right now... all the tiny little things to pack. But it's almost done!!! I really can't believe that we are leaving here in 4 days. It's all a blur. But alas, must "keep the nose to the grindstone" and keep going. We hope to be done (mostly) tomorrow so we can have a bit of a weekend. Then in our week that we have in between going to the mainland and moving out of our house we can relax! We will be able to go to the beach, have dinners with friends, go downtown, figure out the laptop/iPad/computer situations and not have to worry about packing or finishing packing! Oh, I can't wait. :D

Monday, July 22, 2013

Just what I needed

After Saturday, I had changed the desktop background on my computer to a picture of me and my friends. Well, I found that that picture wasn't comforting me very much... Just made me more emotional. But this one is perfect.

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Today has been pretty awesome so far!!! WE WENT TO A CLASSIC CAR SHOW!!! Sadly, I can't remember all the model names. In fact I can't remember any of them ;) But Here are pictures of my favourites!
Yeah, I know, a lot of favourites. :D But hey! I love classic cars! I really wish that there had been some from the 50s and 60s but it was only a pre-50s show. Oh well, It was great! What do YOU think? Do you like my favourites?

Farewell Party

Well, last night (July 20th) we held our Farewell Party. It was great! It was a chance to see all our friends again and to catch up and say goodbye. It was nice! We planned it as an open house, people could drop in between 2PM and 7PM and hang out for a while. We took lots of pictures!
Hey Look! It's the Beatles.... or not :P
Me and Chelsea :D WOO HOO! ME AND MY GREATEST FRIENDS!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D (just look at the height difference... I thought I was taller...)
Me and Elena! We also ate...
CAKE!!!! It's great when you know the owners of the Little Vienna Bakery!
And more cake! We have a very talented friend who made this one :) Well, that's all I'll post for now :) COMMENT!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

When will we be finished???

Today's packing was one of those days when you really want to be finished. Have you ever moved before? If so, you know how much work it is...if not, if at all possible - DON'T. We have 58 boxes packed and many bins packed. I had to lug a 70 pound box of memorabilia up the stairs today.... (I don't think I'm getting much sympathy..) But it's good to see we are making progress! We cleaned up most of the basement and we've cleaned up outside too. I pulled out my lilies and chopped off my peonies so I can plant them in pots and take them along. So, that's the window into my life today... Oh, I also just finished reading a book called 'The Secret Keeper - A Novel of Kateryn Parr' by Sandra Byrd. I really enjoyed it! It's about Kateryn Parr the last wife of King Henry VIII and her life before, during and after the marriage. I love the author and her writing and so I really liked the book. :) I had to read the book fast, I finished it outside the library just before I had to take it back. JUST IN TIME!!!!! Ok. Well, that's all for now! Enjoy the sunshine!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Elena's Garden Party!

Today we got together with a few friends at Elena's house. It was a great occasion, but sadly, the last time we will see Elena in a long time. But anyway! We had a great time! Here are some pictures of our escapades :D
Great, Fun Times!!! Favourite pictures anyone?

Whitty's Lagoon

Yesterday we went to Whitty's Lagoon. Oh it was wonderful!!!! Have you ever swam in the ocean? Like really swam? Like underwater? Well, I didn't put my head all the way under but I did go swimming. Oh, it was amazing! I love swimming in the ocean! It's the most wonderful, exhilarating feeling ever!!!
Ahh...... the Best Things in Life Are Free......


Here's all our boxes so far! I just taped up box #50!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

First Post!!!

Well! Here is post #1! I thought that I'd better put something here before I sent everyone the link. So, this is my blog...(ok really great start I know...NOT) but hey give me a break, it's my first time doing this! So, I'm going to give some details in our "so far planned" journey. We move out of our beloved home of 11 years on July 30th. We will stay with friends until the 6th of August. Then we will live with more friends in Chilliwack until the 16th (with very limited internet *GASP*). Then we will live in Langley with more friends until we fly out in the red-eye on the 20th. We will fly to Chicago and have breakfast and lunch there. Then we will fly to Switzerland. We will (hopefully, if all goes well) buy a car and drive through Europe to Russia! Then we will live in Russia for 3 months and then come back to the island to collect our belongings! So! Does this sound exciting??? Please don't hesitate to comment or drop me an email! I love questions and I'm glad to answer them or keep conversation about anything, everything or even nothing ;) Well, I think that's all! How did I do on my first post?